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- Erin Hunter
Darkness Falls
Darkness Falls Read online
Special thanks to Inbali Iserles
For Isabella Maya
Pack List
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Excerpt from Survivors #4: The Broken Path
About the Author
Also by Erin Hunter
About the Publisher
BELLA—gold-and-white thick-furred female, Lucky’s littermate (sheltie-retriever mix)
DAISY—small white-furred female with a brown tail (Westie/Jack Russell mix)
MICKEY—sleek black-and-white Farm Dog (Border Collie)
MARTHA—giant thick-furred black female with a broad head (Newfoundland)
BRUNO—large thick-furred brown male Fight Dog with a hard face (German Shepherd/Chow mix)
SUNSHINE—small female with long white fur (Maltese)
huge half wolf with gray-and-white fur and yellow eyes
small swift-dog with short gray fur (also known as Sweet)
FIERY—massive brown male with long ears and shaggy fur
LUCKY—gold-and-white thick-furred male
SNAP—small female with tan-and-white fur
SPRING—tan female hunt-dog with black patches
MOON—black-and-white female Farm Dog (mother to Squirm, a male black-and-white pup; and Nose, a female black pup)
DART—lean brown-and-white female chase-dog
TWITCH—tan chase-dog with black patches and a lame foot
WHINE—small, black, oddly shaped dog with tiny ears and a wrinkled face
OLD HUNTER—big and stocky male with a blunt muzzle
The air split with a piercing crack and thunder growled in the distance. Rain poured from the sky, rushing along the clear-stone in furious streams. Yap buried his face against his Mother-Dog’s belly with a whimper. His litter-sister Squeak pressed next to him, trembling.
“Hush now, pups; there’s nothing to be scared of.” Mother-Dog licked their ears comfortingly.
Yap lifted his muzzle, feeling safer at the sound of her voice. For a moment, he was blinded by another flash of light before everything returned to darkness. His neck fur prickled as his littermates whimpered and curled together for comfort.
Mother-Dog scooped them toward her with one large paw, pinning them down and washing them with confident strokes of her tongue. “I know it sounds frightening, but it’s only a storm. The Sky-Dogs and Lightning are play-fighting. To them, it’s a game.”
Lightning flashed across the sky once more, followed by another rumble of thunder. The churning winds howled overhead. It didn’t sound like a game.
“But won’t they hurt each other?” Yap remembered how Mother-Dog had urged the puppies to play together gently.
“No, they won’t do each other harm. They’re just having fun.” She nuzzled each of the puppies in turn. “The Sky-Dogs were littermates, you see, just like you, and Lightning is their friend. Friends and littermates stick together through thick and thin.”
“But they seem so angry,” Yowl whimpered.
“Are you sure they’re only playing?” added Snip.
“Yes, I am sure,” said Mother-Dog firmly. “Now, my pups, it is time for rest. Soon the Sky-Dogs will sleep too.”
Something in her voice made Yap look into her deep brown eyes as his littermates nestled together, close to the soothing beat of her heart.
She avoided his gaze, turning away to peer through the clear-stone to where the Moon-Dog had been before she vanished in the dark, wet sky. Was that doubt he’d seen in her face, or was it just his imagination?
Hearing the sound of his littermates’ snuffles and snores, Yap’s head grew heavy. He wanted to ask the Mother-Dog more about the Sky-Dogs, but tiredness washed over him. He lowered his muzzle as his eyelids closed.
When Yap awoke the storm had mellowed to a steady rain. It was still no-sun and his littermates slept in a huddle of soft, warm bodies around him. With a jolt of panic, Yap realized that Mother-Dog was gone. He sniffed the air, locating her scent before spotting her nearby, a silhouette in the shadows.
She was watching the rain patter against the clear-stone, lifting her face to the sky, as though keeping guard. Her tail gave a small wag as Yap approached, and she turned to welcome him. This time he was sure he caught a worried look in her eyes.
Yap bounded up to her but stopped a few paces away. “Mother, it isn’t just play-fighting, is it? There’s something else going on. Something bad.”
She lowered her head. “You notice a lot, Yap. Too much for a pup.” For a moment they both lifted their faces toward the clear-stone, but the night sky was completely dark. “I’ve seen storms before. This one shouldn’t be any different, yet somehow the air feels . . . tighter. The howls of the Sky-Dogs are deeper. Maybe they really are just playing, but perhaps . . .”
Yap watched Mother-Dog expectantly as she went on.
“. . . perhaps they are angry.”
Yap shivered. “Angry about what?” He thought for a moment. “Angry with who?”
Mother-Dog sighed. “I don’t know, Yap. It’s possible that a dog did something to upset them, and they want to remind us how powerful they are.”
Yap’s eyes grew wide. “What could a dog have done to upset the Sky-Dogs so much? And Lightning is a friend to dogs. He would never turn on us, would he?”
“You’re right. Lightning and the Sky-Dogs are there to protect us. Maybe it’s something else. No one has instincts sharper than Spirit Dogs. They could have sensed a threat. They could be howling to warn us of danger.”
“Danger? But you said everything was okay!” Yap’s tail drooped anxiously. “Why did you tell us that there’s nothing to be afraid of?”
“I’m only guessing. There’s no point worrying you when it’s probably just the wind and rain.” Mother-Dog leaned over and licked his face.
Yap pulled away and caught her eye. “But if there’s something to be scared of, isn’t it better for us to know about it? How else can we protect ourselves?”
Mother-Dog was adamant. “Fear does no dog any good. Whatever’s happening, the Sky-Dogs will protect us.”
From the darkness beyond the clear-stone, the air rumbled again, the wind rose, and the rain came down in sheets. Yap whimpered and hid his face between Mother-Dog’s front paws. He had always admired Lightning, the brave, loyal dog who counted the Sky-Dogs as his Pack. Now Yap felt unsure. What if the Spirit Dog was angry, or scared himself?
“Don’t fret, Yap. I’m sure the Sky-Dogs are just play-fighting. No harm can come of it. . . .”
Her words seemed hollow now, but Yap wasn’t going to challenge her. It was better to believe that they were safe, that soon the Sky-Dogs would sleep peacefully. “They make a lot of noise when they play-fight.”
Mother-Dog nud
ged his face with her nose. “Of course they do. They’re the mighty Sky-Dogs. You wouldn’t expect them to play quietly, would you?” She prodded Yap gently toward his littermates, trod a careful circle for her sleep-ritual, and took her place alongside the pups. Yap threw a last glance outside, where water was hammering down again. He settled next to Squeak, who gave a small snuffle but didn’t wake up.
The wind howled, battering the clear-stone. Yap’s hackles rose and he shut his eyes. He trembled as he remembered Mother-Dog’s other fear—that the Sky-Dogs were howling in warning.
What could be bad enough to alarm the mighty Sky-Dogs?
Lucky froze, his legs trembling. Silence fell over the circle of dogs.
Alpha’s broad, wolfish face was unreadable. He drew himself up on his rock, towering over the two Packs. By his side on the grass was Sweet, the beautiful swift-dog, staring at Lucky. Lucky could scarcely look at her.
Little snub-nosed Whine’s tongue lolled and his jaws gaped. “You see, I was right! The City Dog was spying for the Leashed Dogs. He met with that one, the one who looks like him!” Whine turned to Bella, who glared until he cringed and cowered. “I saw them . . .” The little dog’s words trailed off.
Lucky fought to keep his tail high. He could not let it droop in submission. That would show weakness—it would be the end of him in the eyes of this fierce Wild Pack.
They were all waiting for an explanation, but what could he say? He had spied on them, just as Whine had said. He had never imagined, though, that Bella would use the information he’d provided to attack the Wild Pack’s camp.
Lucky searched the faces of the dogs in the circle.
What do I do now? If I show loyalty to the Leashed Pack, the others will kill me. But how can I turn my back on the Leashed Dogs? Bella’s my litter-sister. . . .
He had been through so much with the Leashed Dogs. But the Wild Pack had accepted him as one of their own. He had shared the Great Howl with them, where Spirit Dogs ran before his eyes. He had felt the power of their bond, even as he balked at Alpha’s strict hierarchy.
Then there was Sweet. . . . He stole a glance in her direction and she met his eye. He saw pain and confusion there, but also hope.
She raised her muzzle. “Lucky fought bravely to defend the pups from the foxes. Whatever he may have done before . . . he’s no Leashed Dog. He’s one of our Pack now.” Her velvety ears twitched and she looked away. Her voice was uncertain, despite her words.
It’s as though she wants to believe it, thought Lucky. She wants to believe that I’m who she thought I was. . . .
Lucky barked gratefully, even though he wasn’t sure where he belonged.
He looked at his litter-sister. Bella stared hard at him, head slightly cocked.
She knows it’s true. A part of me has grown loyal to the Wild Pack.
For a moment he felt guilty. Then he reminded himself that it was because of Bella that he had joined the Wild Dogs in the first place! And it was she who had brought the foxes into their home! She must have been crazy to trust those wily creatures. They’d betrayed her as soon as she’d led them to the camp, attacking Moon and threatening to eat her pups. He remembered how dogs from both Packs had broken off their battle to defend the pups when the foxes attacked them—first Daisy and Mulch, then the others. They had come together, repelling the vicious foxes. They had worked as a single, powerful Pack. . . .
Lucky noticed Moon and Fiery standing a few paces behind the others, their pups Squirm and Nose—the ones who had survived—nuzzled between them. Lucky’s chest tightened with sorrow when he remembered the terror and turmoil, the frenzied barking, and the dogs who hadn’t made it: little, helpless Fuzz, and poor Mulch.
Alpha growled low in his throat. “Lucky may have served our Pack for a time, but that does not excuse his treachery. What do you have to say for yourself, City Dog?”
Lucky licked his leg where a fox had mauled it, playing for time. His quick thinking rarely let him down, but this time he couldn’t find anything to say in his own defense.
It was so much easier when I was a Lone Dog. A Lone Dog answers to nobody. But what if I’m not meant to be a Lone Dog at all?
Lucky swallowed, his throat dry. “It is true that I have been helping both Packs,” he began. A growl rose from the lean brown-and-white hunt-dog, Dart, and was quickly echoed by the long-eared littermates, Twitch and Spring. They had been his Packmates, but now they were glaring at him fiercely, their hackles raised. Lucky struggled not to turn and run into the forest. If he did that he could never, ever come back. He had to keep his courage.
“I have gotten to know you all,” he said. “And I’ve been thinking . . . what if my original mission to join the Wild Pack was meant to be? The Earth-Dog growled; the River-Dog revealed the path of fresh water; the Forest-Dog protected me on the way to this camp. At each turn I met friends . . . Sweet in the Trap House. My litter-sister Bella . . . even the Sky and Moon Dogs seem to have led me to this point.”
Dart still growled, but the others grew quiet. Lucky could tell that he had their attention.
“See how the Packs joined to fight the foxes?” he went on. “Everyone had a role—not just big dogs like Fiery and Martha, but smaller fighters like Snap and Daisy. Dogs from different backgrounds, wild and leashed . . .” He paused, his eyes trailing over the assembled dogs. “You don’t even know one another, yet you all fought fearlessly for a single purpose. Maybe the Spirit Dogs brought me here so that both Packs could unite?”
Alpha’s face contorted in a menacing snarl but Snap, the Wild Pack’s white-and-tan hunter, had a thoughtful look on her face. A few paces away, Moon and Fiery were still standing by their remaining pups. They exchanged glances and Moon stepped forward.
“Without the Leashed Dogs’ help, we would have lost all three of our pups, not just little Fuzz.”
Alpha watched her a moment and turned back to Lucky. The dog-wolf’s yellow eyes bore into him. “That does not change the fact that he deceived us,” he snarled. “Lucky brought danger and death into our camp.” He turned his fierce gaze on the Leashed Dogs. “My Pack had to save this band of weaklings many times during the battle with the foxes. We cannot be expected to protect grown dogs who are feeble as pups.”
Daisy bristled at this insult and Mickey scratched the grass next to his longpaw’s glove with a forepaw.
But it was Bella who stepped forward.
Lucky’s heart tightened in his chest. If his litter-sister challenged Alpha, she’d only make matters worse. He might destroy Lucky and throw out the Leashed Dogs just to teach her a lesson. But Bella dipped her head, addressing Alpha respectfully without looking up.
“I am sorry that I brought the foxes to your camp. It was unwise, and it was stupid of me.” Her tail fell limp behind her. “I was duped into believing that foxes would act honorably. It was a mistake I will never make again. Truthfully, we wanted only to share in what you have here. We didn’t intend to harm your Pack.”
Alpha growled at this, his ears erect and his upper lip peeling back to reveal his fangs.
Lucky watched in astonishment as Bella lowered herself onto the ground submissively. With a whine she rolled to expose her belly. “I make you a solemn promise, Alpha, on behalf of my Pack. If you let us stay, the Leashed Dogs will serve you faithfully. We will obey your commands and fight alongside you, making your Pack even more formidable. We are better hunters than we look and we are keen to help with the tasks of the Pack. All we ask is to share in your food and water, and that you spare Lucky. He meant you no harm. He didn’t know our plans; I swear it. And he did his very best to defend the pups when the foxes attacked; the Mother-Dog said so.” Bella looked briefly at Moon, then lowered her muzzle.
Moon whined her agreement. Guarding the two remaining pups, Fiery licked their heads as they leaned against his forelegs.
Lucky’s heart swelled in his ribs, his anger draining away. He knew what it had cost Bella to surrend
er to Alpha in front of both Packs. He was sure that the last thing she wanted was to serve the ruthless half wolf. She was doing it to provide for her Pack—and to save Lucky’s skin.
She hasn’t deserted me.
He remembered her as a puppy, when she was still known as Squeak, bright, bossy, curious, and loyal—she had always been loyal.
Alpha shook his shaggy gray fur and scratched a large, pointed ear with a ragged claw. He was looking around at his Pack, gauging their reaction to Bella’s submissive speech. Dart’s hackles were still raised, but Twitch and Spring seemed more relaxed, and Snap’s tongue was lolling from her jaws in a grin. Whine turned away while Moon and Fiery stood tall and gazed back at their leader.
Lucky held his breath, waiting for Alpha’s verdict.
“I am willing to let you join us,” the dog-wolf said at last, “but you will take low positions. You will be trained as Patrol Dogs and given the most tiring routines. If you believe you are capable of joining the more prestigious hunting group, you will have to earn that right through hard work and honorable combat. Those are the rules of my Pack.”
Martha, Bruno, and Daisy turned instinctively to Lucky, used to following his advice. Lucky licked his chops. What choice did they have? Without Alpha’s permission, they would not have access to food or clean water, which was in the Wild Pack’s territory.
Before he could say anything, Alpha spoke again. “Foolish Leashed Dogs, looking to him. Don’t you know that he’s the lowest-ranking member of your new Pack? The Omega.”
Alpha glared at the Leashed Dogs, challenging them to respond, but none of them dared. Lucky saw Whine smirk, his ugly face a crisscross of wrinkles. Lucky lowered his head, biting back a snarl. He remembered all too well the humiliations that Whine had faced as the lowliest Pack member.
But Alpha wasn’t finished yet. “And the new Omega will be given a permanent reminder of his treachery: a scar on his flank so that none can forget what he has done.”
Lucky yelped. He thought of Mulch, who’d been blamed for eating out of turn . . . framed by Lucky and Whine, to get him demoted to Omega. Alpha had sprung at Mulch, scraping and gouging. Sweet had backed him up, adding savage bites to Mulch’s wounds.